// published in 2018
// sale price $0.85
// poetry |
by Rose Maria Woodson // a Pen & Anvil chapbook |

Rose Maria Woodson holds an MA in Creative Writing from Northwestern University and an MA in Community Development from North Park University. Her poems have been published in journals including Clarion, Gravel, Wicked Alice, OVS Magazine, Magnolia, Jet Fuel Review, Stirring, Scape Goat Review and The Mojave River Review.
// Connect with her via email. |

“Finally I have found work. I ghost write. There is this. Sanctuary. This sanctuary is nothing I would ever dream. It wears a high brick skirt. Iron spikes ruffle all around. Only one way in. One way out. The Sanctuary for Judas Wolves.”
Each letter is this trio is dual-natured: both an able fable rich with word play, and an earnest prayer from one trusting heart to another. The questions asked and answers given (or elided) are equally important; the journey is the beacon.
Acclaim for Woodson's poetry |
Judith Vollmer: "Woodson's unifying voice is striking for its range of lyrical narratives, monologues, renunciations, and radiant still-lifes. This poet is welcome counselor, woman, seer."
Cat Dossett: "Rose Maria Woodson's poetry is a confident and unwavering stare, a dance in place, a memorized chant."
About this chapbook series: |
These bite-sized booklets are a mouthful of literature each, intended to be read in a single sitting. When you’re done with one, pass it along! Look for them lying around in Boston, Portland, or New York City. When you see one waiting to be read, go ahead and pick it up. Give it a home in your hands for a ten-minute lit snack. Then when you’re finished, leave it behind for the next person to find, in an ATM lobby, on a train station bench, in the coffeeshop, at the pub.
To request a single copy of any chapbook in the series, or a set of copies in bulk quantity so you can pepper them around your neighborhood, just contact the Pen & Anvil Press and we can put a plan together to mail some over to you. You can reach us via the good folks at the Boston Poetry Union, at 139 Mt. Vernon Street, Fitchburg MA 01420. If you don’t have a stamp, feel free to send us an email.