// published in 2019
// sale price $0.85
// poetry |
by Cat Dossett // a Pen & Anvil chapbook |


“she assured herself her nervous disposition
was a side effect of her femininity...
// (ophelia, unnoticed)
Not just a feat of putting old gods in new bottles, these three poems draw upon literary and mythic source to tell familiar stories of relationships and longing in fresh ways.
NB: Writing as Brinna Littlewood Hobbs, Dossett is the author of the occasional Kettle & Wolf newsletter. She can be found on Twitter as @aboutadaughter, and on Etsy as @aboutadaughtershop.
Critical praise for the work of Cat Dossett: |
Chad Parenteau: “What words that exist on each page are not for our benefit but for Dossett’s, separate and broken free from the author’s self-confinement if only to tell her story so that she may rejoin the world for a time.”
Emily August: “Dossett highlights the ways in which women have historically been sacrificed for the preservation of various kinds of kingdoms, and the ways those sacrifices are naturalized and glorified by being codified as myth. Like the best myth and fairy tale revisions, these poems helped me reexamine and deeply reconsider what our treasured cultural legends are truly encoding and passing down.” |
About this chapbook series: |
These bite-sized booklets are a mouthful of literature each, intended to be read in a single sitting. When you’re done with one, pass it along! Look for them lying around in Boston, Portland, or New York City. When you see one waiting to be read, go ahead and pick it up. Give it a home in your hands for a ten-minute lit snack. Then when you’re finished, leave it behind for the next person to find, in an ATM lobby, on a train station bench, in the coffeeshop, at the pub.
To request a single copy of any chapbook in the series, or a set of copies in bulk quantity so you can pepper them around your neighborhood, just contact the Pen & Anvil Press and we can put a plan together to mail some over to you. You can reach us via the good folks at the Boston Poetry Union, at 139 Mt. Vernon Street, Fitchburg MA 01420. If you don’t have a stamp, feel free to send us an email.