Cat Dossett
Recommended Reading
What we've been reading recently on the theme of "man and nature"...

From journalist Margaret Simons...
comes Six Square Metres: Reflections from a Small Garden, an invitation to meditate in an Australian urban plot. In this seasonal memoir, Simons endeavors to impart some wisdom she has learned from the soil. Scribe US, 2020: $14.99.


The ominously-titled investigation...
by biologist Rob Dunn delves into the natural history of our microbial and many-legged housemates. Selected as an "Editor's Choice" by The New York Times Book Review, Never Home Alone deepens our understanding of the immediate world we live in. The author's prose is fun and gripping. Basic Books, Reprint edition, 2019: $17.99.


From the author...
of the Newbury Medal-winning and elementary school stalwart Sarah, Plain and Tall comes Patricia MacLachlan's newest book, My Friend Earth. MacLachlan's words, partnered with the warm palette of illustrator Francesca Sanna, celebrate our planet, stirring younger children to a greater love and respect for the workings of Mother Earth. Chronicle Books, 2020: $17.99.


To be published this October...
Claire Marie Stancek's wyrd] bird marries mysticism with the mixed media of a journal format. The author adopts the role of Dante as she and medieval visionary Hildegard of Bingen sift through "an underworld of climate catastrophe and political violence" and encounter the myriad figures dwelling therein. Omnidawn, 2020: $17.95.

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