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by bg Thurston, from the chapbook Refuge:

Shell-tering in Place

Around the silent pond I walk,
seeking the solace of this place
as the dark water pools its secrets.
Stepping amid the hieroglyphics
of geese droppings in the grass,
I happen upon a turtle at rest.

He draws his head back in. I circle
his black mosaic carapace, then stand
in quiet observation as he stretches
his neck out to watch me study him.
He seems a likely muse, so I wait
to hear what he might want to say,
while he thinks as each eye blinks.

What he conveys to me is this:
Do not mask your fear, rather
lift your face to the shining sun—
let this moment of peace fill you.
All will heal in time, be patient.
And finally: follow my example—
don’t hurry, be here, where you are.
Now go—carry your refuge with you.


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