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Cover of Refuge

Editor's Note

by Susan Edwards Richmond

When Linda and I sat down in January to choose a theme for this year's Plein Air Poetry Walk, one of the first things that came to mind was the auspiciousness of the number 2020. Why not focus on vision? Who better than poets and artists to envision a better future, both locally and for the world? But, back then, who among us could possibly have envisioned where we are today?

The theme we chose, Refuge, ended up being resonant beyond our wildest imaginings. Even as we started this process in early 2020, we felt our Earth's inhabitants, both human and nonhuman, have never needed refuge more than they do now, whether the physical space of safety sought by millions of refugees worldwide; a planet where people work together to ensure clean air, potable water, and climate justice for all; or the landscapes around us and within us where we seek the peace and freedom to create and thrive. Add the unimagined ravages of COVID-19, the destruction and division it has wrought, again disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable, and the invocation to write on this theme seemed an imperative. Without knowing if we would have a chapbook or a physical event at all, poets were drawn to Old Frog Pond Farm & Studio with urgency.

This year's poems embrace a landscape that serves as refuge for so many creatures-the pond's ecosystem and wildlife, including great blue herons and a rare Blanding's turtle; farm fields and the tools used to cultivate them; and beloved trees, both those downed or bifurcated by storms and those brimming with full-leaved canopies. No fewer than three poems celebrate the expansive catalpa tree outside the artist's studio!

We hope this inspiring work and the stunning photographs by Brent Mathison will provide a harbor of peace and thoughtful contemplation-a refuge-for our readers and listeners. And we hope, also, that these poems will spark more ideas of how to make our world whole. I'm deeply grateful for everyone who contributed to the creation of Refuge.

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