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by Moira Linehan, from the chapbook Refuge:

In a Time of Floods and Virus

A watery squirm over rocks
along the path below the dam,
then the yellow stripe slips into
the thick of weeds and tall grasses.
Place of refuge, snaked with terror.


Last night’s news: one dam, a second
somewhere in Michigan gave way.
Streams flooded wide. Roofs floated by.
The overflow of this pond’s dam—
a polished wall, a willful rush.
For now, place of promise. Refuge.


From a distance it’s just a branch,
bronzed and fixed near the flushing dam.
Up close—thick sturdy wire. Golden
streaks twist through its branchings, branchings
raised like a dancer’s arms to stream
silk scarves, chiffon, above her head.
She, bolted in place. Now, I too.
Place of refuge, place of longing.


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