Allo, mon semblable! Homepage

Issue Number 6, 2016

an illustration of columns

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Nobody Leaves in an Ordinary Way
by Heda Margolius Kovály,
translated from Czech by Helen Epstein

Literary Boston As I Knew It
an essay by William Dean Howells

Quardrupedism, a monologue by Brother Theodore




William C. Brown's Ode to Rum on a broadside tuck-in

Photographs by Midlili, and a sketch by Philip Nikolayev

About our contributors

About our cover illustration: lin art taken from Column Capitals in al-Haram al-Sharif by John Wilkinson, published in Jerusalem by the Administration of Waqfs and Islamic Affairs, 1987; background text from The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, published in London by J. Limbird in 1837.

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