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Submission Information

We accept submissions of fiction, memoir, poetry, criticism, reviews, interviews, essays, translations, art, and photography, on a rolling basis, for consideration in the next or future issues. We are especially interested in submissions of and pitches for despatches: reports on the state of literary culture in particular locales, as defined by region, language, or culture.

Authors submitting by email should first subscribe to our mailing list; a sign-up form is on every page of our website. (Be assured that Pen & Anvil does not share this list with external parties.) You might also consider following us on Instagram and Twitter; links to our accounts are on the footer of every page.

In addition, we request a US $3 reading fee for all unsolicited submissions. This can be paid by Venmo (@penandanvil) or by PayPal, to This fee helps to underwrite our work of reviewing submissions, corresponding with authors, and producing and promoting our contributors. Persons for whom this reading fee would present an insurmoutable obstacle are welcome to write to the editors directly, explaining the situation. Our principles are such that we should not wish for economic circumstances to present a barrier.

Please submit all work by e-mail, sent to: If the work in question exists only in hard copy, or for more complicated multimedia proposals, feel free to inquire by email about other options for submitting. We accept submissions in the following formats: .doc or .docx, .pdf, and .rtf.

We make every effort to respond within four months, but response time will vary according to the number of submissions and accepted works. If the work you have submitted to us is accepted elsewhere, notify us immediately. In cases where we are impressed by work that we happen not to be able to make use of, it is not unusual for us to recommend those submissions to the attention of the editors of other publications we enjoy a close relationship with. Alternately, we may suggest stand-along publication of art or images, in one of the chapbook or pamphlet series published by Pen & Anvil.

Please read past issues of The Charles River Journal so you have a clear sense of our editorial focus. All of our back issues material is freely available on this site, or on request by email.

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Design & apparatus © 2009-20, the Editors for Pen & Anvil Press. Contents © 2009-19, the respective authors. All rights reserved. ISSN 1548-3487.